Dedicated to the memory of Dr (Mrs) Mary Adenike Olagundoye

With gratitude to God for a life well spent, we announce Dr (Mrs) Mary Olagundoye's passing on to glory. This site is a tribute to Dr (Mrs) Mary Olagundoye, who was born on March 05, 1939. She is much loved and will always be remembered.  


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Mum, you were the Greatest gift to me after Dad left this world. You taught me to LOVE God and talk to Him no matter what l was going through. You taught me how to love my immediate family as well as the extended family. You love and respected ALL your in-laws. I will miss you no doubt. But l know that All you taught me will never leave me. I know your God will keep watching over me/us ALL. Adieu mum till the resurrection morning when we will all meet at the feet of Jesus.
30th March 2023
A few days before your passing Odunayo and I were reminiscing about you. The news of your passing therefore came as a rude shock to me. Mummy, your life was impactful and full of grace. You shared of yourself with people around you. You were a confident woman of God who was not shy to declare whose she was. The love of God showed brightly in your life. I am confident you are with the Lord Jesus whom you loved so deeply and dearly. Rest Ma, till the Resurrection morning.
Boladale and Foluso Owotade
24th March 2023
Dear Lovely Grandma, Your spirit lives on even if your physical presence alludes us. You were a gem. No, that is an understatement. A fierce warrior and woman of God. Three instances that come to mind when I think of you: 1. You saying ‘Well done’ to me when I came back from long and hard day at work 2. You being impressed with me and earning your respect for giving up my room to stay during Anne-Marie’s Graduation and 3. Us creating your first and only email address together. What made me happier is when you called at work in a panic because you forgot the password! :) You were a force to be reckoned with on Earth, I hope they experience that force and the light you shared/shone while you were on Earth in Heaven now. E se gan ni, Ma!
23rd March 2023
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